
Sunday 19 June 2011

The blog of Flo the pug.

Hello there,

My name is Flo and I am a pug. People think pugs aren't intelligent, however I have the ability to write my own blog.

I am what is known as a 'fawn' coloured pug with a black mask. Like all pugs I have large Brown eyes with wrinkles on my fur and a curly tail. I love nothing more than to go for a good walkies on the sand dunes in my hometown of Southport, England. I also enjoy cuddling up to my human friends, as they are okay and we get along well.

My kennel club name is 'The Good Fairy of the North' (strange I know) and I was born on 2nd January in 2009. I quite like my home and it has its perks, like big sofas to lounge on. I also enjoy my food and sometimes get treated to a bit of chicken with my dinner.

For some reason the humans try to get me to do all kinds of tricks (similar to when I was at puppy school). For instance, they like me to sit and raise a paw when getting a treat. They are a very silly species, not like us pugs.

Anyway, I hope you like my blog and I'll try update it as often as possible.

Love and Pugs


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