
Thursday 23 June 2011

Time for some grub!

Busy busy busy!!! After having started their worming treatment this week, the pups have started to eat a bit of puppy food! Thank goodness! Although I still have to feed my babies, at least now they'll start to need my milk a bit less. Believe me, this is great news. Having to feed for 7 was becoming very tiring! Now its the human's turn to help out.

They are using a puppy food called JamesWellBeloved which at the moment has to be made to be very sloppy as the little puggies have no teeth and don't really know what food is yet. The humans are also using something called Panacur for the worming treatment (silly name!). This is an oral suspension that tastes yuk! Oh well, needs must I guess. More panacur will be given in a couple of weeks before the big trip to the vets for the 1st vaccination and big health check. Apparently I'll be needing my annual booster soon too! :-(

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