
Friday 1 July 2011

Pug puppy olympics!

Hello there,

Well its been a fun week of puppy mayhem. Having mastered the art of walking and playing, the pups have now progressed onto sprinting and wrestling. I think they are getting ready for the 2012 pug olympics (now there's an idea). They all line up ready at the door to their pen and then they're off! The bookies would love it.

As for feeding, they have also now mastered the art of eating their puppy food instead of wearing it as a hat. The water bowl is still pretty much a paddling pool though (pug olympics swimming event maybe!). I did chuckle to myself this morning, although the humans weren't happy, as my little babies decided to have a 5am party. I think they should be allowed to kick back everyone once in a while.

Well, gotta go and check on the athletes. Enjoy the pics. Round 2 of worming next week! Bleurgh!


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