
Wednesday 13 July 2011

Life @ 6 weeks old

Well its been more puppy fun over the last week or so. My babies aren't so tiny anymore! *sniff* They are becoming more and more like their Mummy by the day! The energy and the play level has certainly increased and its hard to keep up at times. Puppies are such fun!

Thankfully they are enjoying their grub and don't need anything like the help they were getting off me at the beginning. I'm going to need a holiday after this! The toilet training is going well. Clever little pugs! Also, all have developed their own little characters, including my biggest little boy, who likes to wander off and explore.... not always to the pleasure of the humans! :-)

Enjoy the pics although I'll upload more photos this week. The pups are that speedy its hard to get them to stay still for long enough!

See you soon,

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