
Sunday 24 July 2011

Time for the vaccinations :-(

I really wasn't looking forward to this & I don't think the pups were either! Time for their 1st puppy vaccinations & my annual booster *sniff*. I have to say, the pups were really well behaved & were very brave when having their injections. Needles aren't very nice but at least now there is only one more vacc to go for them, due in 2 weeks time when the pups are 10 weeks old.

Sadly they wont be able to be walked until another 2 weeks after the 2nd vacc so for now they'll have to make do with being in the house. The good news is that all the pups were checked by our vet & he was happy to report that they are all healthy & doing well. Good breathing & good strong hearbeats, along with nice big clear eyes, like mine! Couldn't ask for more really. They'll be able now to start going to their new loving homes now & I hope to hear from them soon. If they are anything like their mother & a whizz at computers (strange in a pug I know) then I'm sure we'll have them on the blog with an update soon. Good luck my little puggies! I'm sure you'll do me proud...

Personally I can't wait to get back on those sand dunes! Not long now!

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