
Sunday 24 July 2011

Time for the vaccinations :-(

I really wasn't looking forward to this & I don't think the pups were either! Time for their 1st puppy vaccinations & my annual booster *sniff*. I have to say, the pups were really well behaved & were very brave when having their injections. Needles aren't very nice but at least now there is only one more vacc to go for them, due in 2 weeks time when the pups are 10 weeks old.

Sadly they wont be able to be walked until another 2 weeks after the 2nd vacc so for now they'll have to make do with being in the house. The good news is that all the pups were checked by our vet & he was happy to report that they are all healthy & doing well. Good breathing & good strong hearbeats, along with nice big clear eyes, like mine! Couldn't ask for more really. They'll be able now to start going to their new loving homes now & I hope to hear from them soon. If they are anything like their mother & a whizz at computers (strange in a pug I know) then I'm sure we'll have them on the blog with an update soon. Good luck my little puggies! I'm sure you'll do me proud...

Personally I can't wait to get back on those sand dunes! Not long now!

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Latest video - Pups @ 7 weeks old

The link for the new video showing the pups at 7 weeks is as follows;

I hope you like it,


Time for a Group photo! Smile!

A quick photo on the rare occasion when I can get all 7 pups to stay still! Enjoy...

Hee Hee!

Had to include this pic. It made me chuckle!

Cheeky pugs of 7 weeks

Hi there,

Here we are at 7 weeks and only days away from the 1st vaccinations. I'm also having my annual booster *sniff*. The pups are developing their own characters now and some are becoming especially cheeky.

Part of my job as a mum is to wean the pups naturally. This also means teaching them discipline and to accept me as the leader of the pack. They might not like it but its a natural part of their development with me.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Life @ 6 weeks old

Well its been more puppy fun over the last week or so. My babies aren't so tiny anymore! *sniff* They are becoming more and more like their Mummy by the day! The energy and the play level has certainly increased and its hard to keep up at times. Puppies are such fun!

Thankfully they are enjoying their grub and don't need anything like the help they were getting off me at the beginning. I'm going to need a holiday after this! The toilet training is going well. Clever little pugs! Also, all have developed their own little characters, including my biggest little boy, who likes to wander off and explore.... not always to the pleasure of the humans! :-)

Enjoy the pics although I'll upload more photos this week. The pups are that speedy its hard to get them to stay still for long enough!

See you soon,

Friday 1 July 2011

Pug olympic video!

Have a look at my video of the pugs in training for the pug puppy olympics.

Enjoy! :-)

Pug puppy olympics!

Hello there,

Well its been a fun week of puppy mayhem. Having mastered the art of walking and playing, the pups have now progressed onto sprinting and wrestling. I think they are getting ready for the 2012 pug olympics (now there's an idea). They all line up ready at the door to their pen and then they're off! The bookies would love it.

As for feeding, they have also now mastered the art of eating their puppy food instead of wearing it as a hat. The water bowl is still pretty much a paddling pool though (pug olympics swimming event maybe!). I did chuckle to myself this morning, although the humans weren't happy, as my little babies decided to have a 5am party. I think they should be allowed to kick back everyone once in a while.

Well, gotta go and check on the athletes. Enjoy the pics. Round 2 of worming next week! Bleurgh!


Thursday 23 June 2011

Time for some grub!

Busy busy busy!!! After having started their worming treatment this week, the pups have started to eat a bit of puppy food! Thank goodness! Although I still have to feed my babies, at least now they'll start to need my milk a bit less. Believe me, this is great news. Having to feed for 7 was becoming very tiring! Now its the human's turn to help out.

They are using a puppy food called JamesWellBeloved which at the moment has to be made to be very sloppy as the little puggies have no teeth and don't really know what food is yet. The humans are also using something called Panacur for the worming treatment (silly name!). This is an oral suspension that tastes yuk! Oh well, needs must I guess. More panacur will be given in a couple of weeks before the big trip to the vets for the 1st vaccination and big health check. Apparently I'll be needing my annual booster soon too! :-(

Monday 20 June 2011

3 weeks old! Busy week ahead...

Just a quick pic to show how the pups look at 3 weeks old. The Kennel Club have kindly approved my puppy names so today I've had the chance to look at my family tree via the pup's pedigree certificates. Happy times!

Sunday 19 June 2011

My pups have arrived!

Well, I can tell you that I'm now a Mummy of 4 little pug girls and 3 little pug boys. Phew, that's a lot of mouths to feed!

The pups were born on Sunday 29th May 2011, just before the bank holiday. They are all so cute! They are now 3 weeks old today and have all opened their eyes and started to play. They are currently learning to walk round, a little to quickly for my liking at times! Soon they will be able to hear everything going on around them too.

Well, gotta go as I still have to feed them all. I cant wait until they are on puppy food!

Love and Pugs,

The blog of Flo the pug.

Hello there,

My name is Flo and I am a pug. People think pugs aren't intelligent, however I have the ability to write my own blog.

I am what is known as a 'fawn' coloured pug with a black mask. Like all pugs I have large Brown eyes with wrinkles on my fur and a curly tail. I love nothing more than to go for a good walkies on the sand dunes in my hometown of Southport, England. I also enjoy cuddling up to my human friends, as they are okay and we get along well.

My kennel club name is 'The Good Fairy of the North' (strange I know) and I was born on 2nd January in 2009. I quite like my home and it has its perks, like big sofas to lounge on. I also enjoy my food and sometimes get treated to a bit of chicken with my dinner.

For some reason the humans try to get me to do all kinds of tricks (similar to when I was at puppy school). For instance, they like me to sit and raise a paw when getting a treat. They are a very silly species, not like us pugs.

Anyway, I hope you like my blog and I'll try update it as often as possible.

Love and Pugs
